Rein in用法全解析:掌握这一词汇,助你提升英语表达能力you stop it or make it go slower by pulling its reins. The horsemen reined in and shouted at the men behind to turn back. 骑手们勒住缰绳,对后面的人喊叫让他们回去。2.引申为控制;约束To rein in something means to control it. His administration's economic policy will focus on controlling in是什么。
rein in用法详解:掌握这个词的正确使用,提升你的英语表达you stop it or cause it to go more slowly by pulling its reins. The horsemen reined in and shouted at the men behind to turn back. 骑手们勒缰停住,对身后的人大嚷,让他们回去。2.引申为控制;约束To rein in something means to control it. His administration's economic policy would focus on r是什么。
万字:77个“支付近义词”辨析什么“眉毛、睫毛”“爱慕、羡慕”;学习英语也有很多相近的词,什么“in和on”“or和of”“more和much”。毕业了,做了支付以后才发现,原等会说。 每次之间有固定的时间间隔,而且要收取手续费,分次支付往往是一笔大额单笔支付不了,而拆分开支付多笔,从而解决限额问题。先用后付、担保等会说。